Sample of Consignment Agreement

A consignment agreement is a legal contract between two parties, usually a consignee and a consignor, where the consignor entrusts the consignee to sell their goods or products on their behalf. In this agreement, the consignee agrees to sell the consignor`s items and pay them a portion of the sale price as their commission.

A sample of a consignment agreement should include specific details such as the identification of both parties, the description of the goods or products to be consigned, the duration of the consignment, the location and manner of sale, the commission rate, and several other terms and conditions.

Identification of Both Parties

The agreement should start with the identification of both parties, including their full names, addresses, and contact information. Also, it is essential to specify the business name, legal status, and tax identification number (if applicable) of both parties.

Goods or Products to Be Consigned

The next section of the agreement should describe the goods or products to be consigned in detail. It should include the quantity, quality, specifications, and other relevant information necessary to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.

Duration and Termination of the Agreement

The consignment agreement should specify the duration and termination clauses. It should state when the agreement begins and when it will end, along with what will happen if either party decides to terminate the agreement early.

Location and Manner of Sale

The agreement should also describe the location and manner of sale, including the consignee`s sales channels, whether online or offline, and the duration of each sales cycle. It should also specify if the consignee will sell the goods on behalf of the consignor exclusively.

Commission Rate

The commission rate is the percentage of the sale price that the consignor will receive after the consignee has sold the products. It is essential to specify the percentage rate and when the consignor can expect to receive their payment.

Terms and Conditions

Finally, the agreement should include terms and conditions that protect the interests of all parties involved. This includes provisions relating to warranties, liabilities, and indemnities.

In conclusion, a consignment agreement is a crucial legal document that protects both parties involved in a consignment. The above sample of a consignment agreement is essential to ensure clear communication and mutual understanding between the consignor and the consignee. As a professional, ensure that you optimize the article by using relevant keywords and phrases to rank high on search engines.

Wi Real Estate Purchase Agreement

If you`re planning to buy or sell a property in Wisconsin, it`s important to have a written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction. In Wisconsin, this document is known as the “Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement.”

The Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the details of a real estate sale. It includes information about the buyer, seller, property, purchase price, and any contingencies or conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized. The agreement is typically drafted by the seller`s attorney or a licensed real estate agent, but it can also be prepared by the buyer`s attorney.

One of the most important aspects of the Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement is the contingencies or conditions that are included in the contract. These are requirements that must be met before the sale can be completed. Common contingencies include:

– Financing contingency: This contingency states that the sale is dependent on the buyer being able to secure financing for the purchase. If the buyer is unable to secure financing, the sale can be cancelled.

– Inspection contingency: This contingency allows the buyer to have the property inspected by a professional before the sale is completed. If the inspection reveals any issues with the property, the buyer can negotiate repairs or ask for a reduction in the purchase price.

– Appraisal contingency: This contingency states that the sale is dependent on the property appraising for a certain amount. If the property does not appraise for the specified amount, the sale can be cancelled or renegotiated.

The Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement also includes information about the closing process. This includes the date of closing, the location, and any fees or expenses associated with the sale. Both the buyer and seller must sign the agreement in order for it to be valid.

It`s important to note that the Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a binding legal document. Once both parties have signed the agreement, they are legally obligated to follow the terms outlined in the contract. It is recommended that both the buyer and seller consult with a licensed real estate attorney before signing the agreement to ensure that all aspects of the transaction are properly understood.

In conclusion, if you`re planning to buy or sell real estate in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Real Estate Purchase Agreement is an essential document that should be carefully drafted and reviewed by both parties. This agreement protects both the buyer and seller and ensures that the transaction is completed smoothly and legally.

What Is Eccentric and Concentric Muscle Contraction

As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you may have heard of eccentric and concentric muscle contractions. But what do these terms mean and how do they affect your training? In this article, we’ll break down the basics of eccentric and concentric muscle contractions and how they differ.

Concentric Contractions

Concentric contractions occur when a muscle shortens as it contracts. During a bicep curl, for example, the bicep muscle contracts and shortens as you lift the weight towards your shoulder. This type of contraction is often referred to as positive or lifting action.

Concentric contractions are generally associated with building muscle. When you lift weights or perform resistance exercises, concentric contractions help you lift the weight against gravity and build strength.

Eccentric Contractions

Eccentric contractions occur when a muscle lengthens as it contracts. During a bicep curl, the bicep muscle contracts and lengthens as you lower the weight back down. This type of contraction is often referred to as negative or lowering action.

Eccentric contractions are important for controlling movement and preventing injury. When you lower a weight slowly and under control, the eccentric contraction helps you resist the force of gravity and control the weight. Eccentric contractions also activate the muscle fibres differently than concentric contractions, leading to greater muscle growth and strength gains.

Eccentric contractions are also associated with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This is the soreness you may feel in your muscles 24-72 hours after a workout. Eccentric contractions cause small tears in the muscle fibres that stimulate the body to repair and strengthen the muscle tissue.

Training with Eccentric and Concentric Contractions

To get the most out of your workouts, it’s important to incorporate both eccentric and concentric contractions into your training routine. This can be accomplished through exercises that emphasize each type of contraction.

For example, squats emphasize concentric contractions as you stand up and eccentric contractions as you lower down. The same goes for push-ups, which emphasize concentric contractions as you push up and eccentric contractions as you lower down.

If you’re looking to build muscle and strength, it’s important to focus on both types of contractions. This can be achieved through a combination of resistance training, plyometrics, and bodyweight exercises.

In conclusion, eccentric and concentric muscle contractions are essential for building strength, controlling movement, and preventing injury. Incorporating both types of contractions into your training routine can help you achieve your fitness goals and gain a better understanding of how your muscles work.

Computer Maintenance Agreement Pdf

Keeping your computer in good working condition is crucial for optimal performance. However, many businesses don’t have the time or resources to handle the maintenance of their computer systems. This is where computer maintenance agreements come into play. These agreements outline the terms and conditions of maintenance services provided for a company’s computer systems. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of having a computer maintenance agreement PDF.

What is a Computer Maintenance Agreement PDF?

A computer maintenance agreement PDF is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of computer maintenance services provided by a third-party vendor. This contract provides details about the maintenance services, fees, and terms of payment. Computer maintenance agreements can be customized to meet the unique needs of a business. Some of the services that may be covered in a computer maintenance agreement include hardware and software updates, virus protection, data backup and recovery, and more.

Why Do You Need a Computer Maintenance Agreement PDF?

There are several reasons why businesses should have a computer maintenance agreement PDF. Here are a few of the key reasons:

1. Preventative Maintenance: By having a computer maintenance agreement in place, businesses can ensure that their computer systems are properly maintained and updated. This can help prevent costly downtime due to system failures or malfunctions.

2. Cost-Effective: Outsourcing computer maintenance services can be an affordable option for businesses. With a maintenance agreement, businesses can negotiate pricing and receive regular service without having to pay for additional fees or services.

3. Quality Service: When working with a reputable computer maintenance service provider, businesses can expect to receive high-quality service that meets their unique needs. This includes regular updates and maintenance that can help improve system performance and prevent issues before they arise.

4. Legal Protection: A written contract protects both parties in the event of any disputes or issues that may arise. Having a computer maintenance agreement in place can help prevent any misunderstandings or miscommunications between the parties involved.

Overall, a computer maintenance agreement PDF is an essential tool for businesses looking to maintain their computer systems. This contract provides a clear understanding of the services provided and the terms and conditions of the agreement. By having a maintenance agreement in place, businesses can ensure that their computer systems are running efficiently and effectively, while also protecting themselves legally.

Where Can I Find Section 106 Agreement

Looking for a Section 106 agreement? Here`s what you need to know.

What is a Section 106 agreement?

A Section 106 agreement is a legal agreement between a local authority and a developer. It sets out a range of conditions that must be met as part of the planning process for a development project. These conditions are designed to mitigate the impact of the development on the local community and ensure that any necessary infrastructure changes are put in place.

Examples of conditions that might be included in a Section 106 agreement include the provision of affordable housing, the creation of new public spaces or facilities, or funding for local transport improvements.

Where can I find a Section 106 agreement?

Section 106 agreements are usually published on the website of the relevant local authority. You may need to search for planning applications in order to find them – most local authority websites have a planning portal where you can access details of planning applications and associated documents.

It`s worth noting that Section 106 agreements can be quite complex, and may refer to a range of documents and plans. You`ll need to take the time to read through the agreement carefully to make sure you understand the full scope of the conditions that have been agreed.

Why is a Section 106 agreement important?

From a developer`s perspective, a Section 106 agreement is important because it enables them to secure planning permission for their project. Without a signed agreement, planning permission cannot be granted.

For the local community, Section 106 agreements are important because they help to ensure that new development projects are carried out in a sustainable and responsible way. By requiring developers to contribute to local infrastructure improvements and provide affordable housing, Section 106 agreements can help to mitigate the negative effects of development on local communities.

In summary, if you`re looking for a Section 106 agreement, start by checking the website of the relevant local authority. Make sure you read through the agreement carefully to understand the conditions that are being imposed on the developer, and why they are important. And remember, Section 106 agreements are just one part of the planning process – make sure you have a good understanding of the full planning application before making any decisions.

Facebook Contributor License Agreement

The Facebook Contributor License Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a software developer, contributor, or user of Facebook`s open-source projects, then you`ve probably heard of the Facebook Contributor License Agreement (CLA). But what exactly is it, and what are its implications?

In simplest terms, the CLA is a legal agreement between Facebook and its contributors. By submitting code to Facebook, contributors agree to grant Facebook a license to use, reproduce, modify, display, and distribute their contributions. The license is broad and doesn`t limit Facebook`s use of the code in any way.

Why Does Facebook Need a CLA?

Facebook is a massive company with a large number of open-source projects. A CLA helps Facebook ensure that it has the necessary legal rights to use and distribute code submitted by its contributors. It also helps protect Facebook (and its users) from any legal issues that may arise from the use of open-source code.

Additionally, the CLA helps Facebook maintain the quality and consistency of its codebase. By requiring contributors to sign the CLA, Facebook can ensure that all code submissions meet its standards and comply with its policies.

What Are the Implications for Contributors?

If you`re thinking of contributing to Facebook`s open-source projects, it`s important to understand the implications of signing the CLA. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. You`re Giving Facebook a Broad License

By signing the CLA, you`re giving Facebook a broad license to use, reproduce, modify, display, and distribute your contributions. This means that Facebook can use your code in any way it wants, without any restrictions.

2. You`re Retaining Ownership of Your Contributions

While you`re giving Facebook a license to use your contributions, you`re not giving up ownership of them. You still own the copyright to your contributions, and you`re free to use them in other projects.

3. You`re Agreeing to Certain Warranties

In the CLA, you`re agreeing to certain warranties, such as the fact that you have the legal right to grant Facebook the license to use your contributions. You`re also agreeing to indemnify Facebook if any legal issues arise from your contributions.

4. Your Contributions May Be Publicly Available

When you contribute code to Facebook, your contributions will be publicly available. This means that anyone can view, download, and use your code.


The Facebook Contributor License Agreement is an important legal document that helps Facebook protect its open-source projects and maintain the quality of its codebase. As a contributor, it`s important to understand the implications of signing the CLA and to ensure that you`re comfortable with the broad license you`re granting Facebook.

Difference between a Deed and an Agreement Australia

In Australia, the terms “deed” and “agreement” are often used interchangeably. However, there are significant differences between the two that you need to know about.

A deed is a binding legal document that requires the signatures of all parties involved and must be delivered to the other party to become effective. It is also referred to as a deed poll and is often used in situations where a more formal or solemn document is required. A deed is a promise that is made by one party to another, usually with a consideration, or benefit, being given in exchange. This consideration can take many different forms, such as money, assets, or services.

An agreement, on the other hand, is a less formal legal document that can be binding or non-binding depending on the intentions of the parties involved. Unlike a deed, an agreement does not require any formalities such as delivery or execution. An agreement can be made orally or in writing and can be as simple or complex as the parties require. An agreement can be considered binding if all parties intend to be legally bound by its terms and conditions.

One of the most significant differences between a deed and an agreement is the time limit for bringing legal action. A deed can be enforced for up to 12 years after it has been executed, while an agreement has a limitation period of six years. This limitation period means that if a party fails to uphold their obligations under an agreement, the other party has six years to bring legal action to enforce the agreement.

Another difference is the level of formality required for each document. A deed must be executed with certain formalities, such as the use of specific language and the presence of witnesses. In contrast, an agreement can be created and executed without the need for such formalities.

In conclusion, while the terms “deed” and “agreement” may be used interchangeably in Australia, it is essential to understand the differences between the two. A deed is a more formal and binding legal document that requires certain formalities and can be enforced for up to 12 years. An agreement, on the other hand, can be binding or non-binding, created without formalities, and has a limitation period of six years. Understanding these differences will help you decide which document best suits your needs.

How to Write a Demand Letter for Breach of Contract

A demand letter for breach of contract is a formal letter that an individual or business sends to another party who has failed to fulfill their obligations under a contract. This letter serves as a warning that legal action may be taken if the breach is not rectified.

If you find yourself in a position where you need to write a demand letter for breach of contract, here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Identify the parties involved: Start your letter by clearly identifying the parties involved in the contract. This includes the names and addresses of both the person/business sending the letter and the person/business who breached the contract.

2. Detail the breach: Next, provide a detailed description of the breach itself. Be sure to reference the specific section(s) of the contract that were violated and provide any relevant dates or deadlines that were missed.

3. Explain the damages: Clearly explain the damages that resulted from the breach. This can include financial losses, missed opportunities, or other negative impacts that you have experienced as a result of the breach.

4. Request a remedy: After outlining the breach and its effects, clearly state your desired remedy. This may include specific actions that the breaching party must take to rectify the breach, such as paying a financial settlement or fulfilling their original contract obligation.

5. Set a timeline: Finally, set a deadline for the breaching party to respond and fulfill their obligations. This deadline should be reasonable but firm, and should be clearly stated in the letter.

Remember that a demand letter for breach of contract is a legal document, and it is important to ensure that it is written clearly and professionally. By following these key points, you can write a strong demand letter that communicates your case effectively and helps you achieve your desired outcome.

Lease Agreement Escape Clause

Lease Agreement Escape Clause: What Is It and How Does It Work?

A lease agreement is a legal document that outlines the rules and regulations governing the rental of a property. This agreement is typically binding for the duration of the lease term, which can range anywhere from a few months to several years. However, unforeseen circumstances can arise that may require one or both parties to terminate the lease early. This is where a lease agreement escape clause comes into play.

So, what is a lease agreement escape clause? Simply put, it is a provision in the lease agreement that allows one or both parties to terminate the lease early under certain conditions. The conditions for triggering the escape clause can vary widely based on individual lease agreements, but some common examples include job loss, medical emergencies, military deployment, and changes to living arrangements.

The concept of a lease agreement escape clause may seem counterintuitive at first. After all, why would a landlord or tenant want to include a provision in the lease that allows for early termination? The answer is simple: flexibility. By including an escape clause, both parties have the option to terminate the lease early if unforeseen circumstances arise. This can be especially important in situations where a tenant needs to vacate the property early or a landlord needs to sell the property.

It`s worth noting that a lease agreement escape clause is not a guarantee that the lease can be terminated early. Rather, it provides a framework for identifying circumstances under which termination may be possible. The specific conditions for triggering the escape clause should be clearly outlined in the lease agreement, and both parties should be aware of these conditions before signing the lease.

In addition to flexibility, a lease agreement escape clause can also help to protect both parties from legal disputes. For example, if a tenant is unable to pay rent due to job loss, an escape clause can provide a way for them to terminate the lease without facing legal repercussions. Similarly, if a landlord needs to sell the property, an escape clause can help to protect them from potential legal action by tenants who are unable to fulfill the remainder of the lease.

In conclusion, a lease agreement escape clause can be a valuable tool for both landlords and tenants. By providing flexibility and protection from legal disputes, it can help to ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial rental agreement. If you`re considering entering into a lease agreement, be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions of the escape clause to ensure that you fully understand your options in the event of unforeseen circumstances.