Payment Agreement for Rent Arrears

Payment Agreement for Rent Arrears: Everything You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many people struggling financially, making it difficult for them to pay rent. If you find yourself in a situation where you have fallen behind on rent payments, it`s essential to take action as soon as possible. One solution to consider is a payment agreement for rent arrears.

What is a payment agreement for rent arrears?

A payment agreement for rent arrears is a written agreement between a landlord and tenant that outlines a plan to repay any outstanding rent owed. It is a legally binding document that sets out the terms and conditions of the agreement, including the amount to be paid, when it will be paid, and the consequences of defaulting on payments.

Why should you consider a payment agreement for rent arrears?

A payment agreement for rent arrears can be beneficial for both landlords and tenants. For landlords, it provides assurance that the outstanding rent will be paid eventually, and it may help them avoid pursuing legal action against the tenant. For tenants, it serves as a structured plan to pay off their debts and avoid eviction.

How to create a payment agreement for rent arrears?

To create a payment agreement for rent arrears, both the landlord and the tenant must agree to the terms and sign a written agreement. The agreement should include:

1. The amount of rent owed and the agreed payment schedule: The agreement should clearly indicate the amount of rent arrears and the payment schedule agreed upon.

2. The consequences of defaulting on payments: The agreement should state what happens if the tenant fails to make payments as agreed. This could include eviction or legal action.

3. A statement acknowledging the existing lease is still in effect: The agreement should state that the existing lease remains in effect and that the tenant will continue to abide by its terms.

4. Signatures of both parties: The agreement is not valid unless both parties sign it.

It`s a good idea to have a lawyer or mediator present during the negotiation process to ensure that both parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement.


A payment agreement for rent arrears can be an excellent solution for tenants struggling to pay rent and landlords who want to ensure they receive the rent owed without taking legal action. It`s important to create a written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement and have both parties sign it to make sure it`s legally binding. If you`re struggling to pay rent, reach out to your landlord and discuss the possibility of creating a payment agreement for rent arrears.